Security changes to protect sensitive data in comments and attachments

Lisa Almarode -

To provide more security for customer data, we have made several modifications to how email is handled.

  • We have added the ability to exclude all comments from email related to Help Requests.  If this option is selected, you will still get emails when GemTalk support responds to your request, but you will need to to come to this website in order to view the text, since it will not be included within email bodies.
  • Other email addresses are no longer added automatically to the CC list for a Help Request, if you have a CC on an email sent to the GemTalk support site.  If you would like someone to be CCed on all correspondence for a Help Request, please let us know in the body of the request.  CCs should not be added to requests for which comments are omitted from email, since CCs always get comments in email.
  • Downloading and viewing attachments on your GemTalk Help Requests requires that you login to your account.